Peano Postulates 29.1:139 (refers to Dodge, section 29.1, page 139)
[1] 1 N
[2] Each x N has a unique sucessor x'N
[3] If x, y N and x' = y' then x = y
[4] 1 is not the successor of any element of N
[5] The only natural numbers are those given by [1] and [2]
[5] is due to S. C. Kleene and is equivalent
to Dodge's [6].
[6] If S N such that 1 S, and
k S (k+1) S,
then S = N N8:110
[7] Definition of Addition: Let a + 1 = a' and a + b' = (a + b)'
[8] Definition of Multiplication: Let a1 = a and ab' = ab + a
[9] CLOSURE + a, b N,
a + b is defined 29.4:140
[10] CLOSURE a, b N,
ab is defined 29.5:140
[11] INDEPENDENCE The Peano postulate set is independent
[12] TRICHOTOMY For given a, b N,
exactly one of the following three statements is true:
a + x = b
a = b
a = b + y
for some x N or
some y N
The following properties of Natural Numbers can also be proved:
[13] COMMUTATIVE + If a, b N,
then a + b = b + a
[14] COMMUTATIVE If a, b N,
then ab = ba
[15] ASSOCIATIVE + If a, b, c N,
then (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
[16] ASSOCIATIVE If a, b, c N,
then (ab)c = a(bc)
[17] DISTRIBUTIVE if a, b, c N, then
a(b + c) = ab + ac
1 N such that n N,
n1 = 1n = n
Extension to integers (Z):
[19] Definition: Let Z' denote the set of all ordered pairs (a,b) of natural
numbers a and b 32.1:154
[20] Definition: We define two elements (a,b) and (c,d) of Z' to be
equivalent, and we write (a,b) (c,d),
iff a + d = b + c 32.2:154
Dodge proves the preceding definition satisfies reflexive, symmetric,
and transitive properties and is therefore an equivalence relation. 32.3:154
[21] Definition: The sum of members (a,b) and (c,d) of Z' is
defined to be the ordered pair (a + c, b + d) 32.4:155
[22] Definition: The product of members (a,b) and (c,d) of Z'
is defined to be the ordered pair (ac + bd, ad + bc) 32.5:155
[23] Definition: Let the set of all equivalence classes of Z' be called integers
and be denoted by Z 32.10:156
Dodge proves the following theorems:
Z is closed under addition, which is commutative and associative.
Z is closed under multiplication, which is commutative and associative.
[26] IDENTITY + The equivalence class of (m,m) is the additive
identity and is unique.
Denote this equivalence class by "0".
[27] INVERSE + Each z Z has a unique additive inverse,
-z, such that z + (-z) = 0 33.12-6:160
Extension to Rational Numbers (Q)
[28] Definition: Denote by Q' the set of all ordered pairs [a,b] of
integers a and b with b 0 38.1:179
[29] Definition: We define two elements [a,b] and [c,d] of Q' to be
equivalent, and write:
[a,b] [c,d] iff ad = bc 38.2:179
Dodge shows this is an equivalence relation. 38.3:179
[30] Definition: The sum of members [a,b] and [c,d] of Q' is
defined to be the ordered pair [ad + bc, bd]. 38.4:180
[31] Definition: The product of the members [a,b] and [c,d] of Q'
is defined to be the ordered pair [ac,bd] 38.5:180
[32] Definition: Let the set of all equivalence classes of Q' be called
rational numbers and be denoted by Q 38.9:180
Dodge shows that Q satisfies all properties of a field:
[33] CLOSURE +
[44] Definition: For given x, y Q, if there is a unique d
Q, such that x = y + d, then we define d = x - y to be the difference
of x and y. The operation is called subtraction. 40.2:184
Dodge shows this is equivalent to the definition:
[45] x - y = x + (-y)
[46] Definition: For given x, y Q, if there is a unique q
Q, such that x =yq, then we define q = x y to be the
quotient of x and y. We also write q = x/y. The operation is called division.
Dodge shows this is equivalent to the definition:
[47] If y 0, then x y = xy*, where y* is
the multiplicative inverse of y.
Extension to real numbers ()
Q can be extended to the field of real numbers, , in many ways. The exact method, whether by Cauchy sequences, Dedekind Cuts, or other method, is not of importance here. The important thing to note is that satisfies all field properties [33] - [43] as did Q. The definitions of subtraction [45] and division [47] are also relevant.