16. HARK, HOW ALL THE WELKIN RINGS Hark, how all the Wel-kin rings. Glo-ry to the King of Kings. Peace on Earth and Mer-cy mild. God and Sin-ners re-con-cil'd. Joy-ful all ye Na-tions rise. Join the Tri-umph of the Skies. U-ni-ver-sal Na-ture say, "Christ the Lord is born to-day!" Hail the Heav' nly Prince of Peace! Hail the Son of Right-eous-ness. Light and Life to all He brings, Ris'n with heal-ing in His wings. - Glen Rock Carolers
Tune: Dent Dale (Tarry Wool) -
The English Hymnal 1906 p. 41 babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.31175007034450&view=1up&seq=75 Words: Charles Wesley - Hymns & Sacred Poems 1743 p. 141 archive.org/details/hymnsandsacredpo00wesliala/page/142/mode/2up Presented to Ian Russell at White Hart Inn Lydgate on 1 December 2022 Ian responds: “Wonderful memories of the premiere of Darryl’s arrangement of ‘Dent Dale’ at our brunch at the White Hart at Lydgate, Thursday 1 December 2022 - THANKYOU!” |
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