The Route can be determined as follows:
Divide the YEAR by 4. The REMAINDER will show the route:
Remainder 1 = M H B C
(Manchester, Hanover, Baltimore, Church)
Remainder 2 = H M C B
(Hanover, Manchester, Church, Baltimore)
Remainder 3 = B C M H
(Baltimore, Church, Manchester, Hanover)
Remainder 0 = C B H M
(Church, Baltimore, Hanover, Manchester)
Example: Take the year 2024
506 Remainder 0 = C B H M
4 ) 2024 Church, Baltimore, Hanover, Manchester
Log -
Historian Jon Nicklow keeps a log of the trek each year. To estimate times, use the log from 4, 8, 12, and 16 years ago when the route was the same as this year. - *
* - This method works for NORMAL years. However, since 2020 was not NORMAL, it might be more accurate prediction of times to see the “What” page.