Glen Rock, York County, Pennsylvania


   Section 1.  Terms of Office
               The officers of the Association shall be
               President, Vice-President, Secretary-
               Treasurer, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer,
               Musical Director, Assistant Musical Director,
               and three (3) Directors at Large.  All
               officers shall be elected by the majority of
               the Association by ballot or voice vote of the
               Association at the last meeting prior to
               Christmas Eve of each year, or at such other
               times as a vacancy may exist.  All officers
               shall be Active Members and shall hold office
               until the annual election and until their
               successors are elected and qualified.  The
               office of Historian shall be by appointment of
               the President and approval of the Executive
               Board.  The term of office shall be for ten
               (10) years; thereby, assuring continuity in
               the maintenance of the Association's history.

   Section 2.  Duties of the President
               The President shall preside at the meetings of
               the Association and Executive Board and shall
               have the duties normally conferred by
               parliamentary usage.  He shall convey to the
               Executive Board all policy decisions of the
               Association and will cause the policies to be
               administered by the Executive Board.  The
               President shall be the official representative
               of the Association at all functions unless
               representation is specifically delegated to
               another member.  The President shall not
               succeed his term of office.

   Section 3.  Duties of the Vice-President
               The Vice-President, in the absence of the
               President, shall be clothed with all of the
               powers and perform all of the duties of the

   Section 4.  Duties of the Secretary-Treasurer
               The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep minutes and
               records of the Association, provide notice of
               all meetings to Association members, attend to
               correspondence of the Association, maintain
               and keep records of all receipts and
               disbursements, and such other duties as are
               normally carried out by the Secretary-
               Treasurer.  The Secretary-Treasurer is
               authorized to pay all debts incurred up to
               $50.00, subject to reporting to the
               Association at the next regular business
               meeting.  All expenditures greater than $50.00
               must be approved prior to being incurred.

   Section 5.  Duties of the Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
               The Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, in the
               absence of the Secretary-Treasurer, shall
               perform all of the duties of the Secretary-

   Section 6.  Duties of Musical Director
               The Musical Director is responsible to conduct
               the musical rehearsal at all Association
               meetings.  In addition, the Musical Director
               shall serve as Chairman of the Music Committee
               and section leader for the instrumental
               section.  The Musical Director, with Executive
               Board approval, appoints section leaders to
               the singing sections.

   Section 7.  Duties of the Assistant Musical Director
               The Assistant Musical Director, in the absence
               of the Musical Director, shall perform all of
               the duties of the Musical Director.

   Section 8.  Duties of the Directors-at-Large
               There shall be three (3) Directors-at-Large,
               serving staggered terms of one (1), two (2),
               and three (3) years respectively.  There shall
               be three (3) Directors-at-Large elected the
               first year, with one Director-at-Large elected
               the first year, with one Director-at-Large
               being elected each year thereafter and serving
               for a three (3) year period.  The Directors-
               at-Large shall serve as the Nomination
               Committee and the Resolutions Committee and
               such other duties as may be assigned.